Pourquoi la communauté est-elle si importante : Exit Realty Donation Match

Nous sommes tous membres de nos propres communautés (familles, travail, quartiers, etc.) En tant qu'êtres humains, nous avons besoin de ressentir un sentiment d'appartenance et d'appartenance. À mon avis, les relations sont ce qu'est la vie. Selon la définition du dictionnaire, les communautés sont des groupes de personnes vivant au même endroit, ayant des caractéristiques spécifiques en commun ou partageant des objectifs communs. Alors que nos propres communautés sociales personnelles changent constamment, la seule chose qui reste la même est que les communautés sont des endroits vers lesquels nous pouvons nous tourner pour trouver de la connexion, du soutien et un but. Comment choisissez-vous d'être dans la communauté et comment choisissez-vous de soutenir votre communauté ?

Have you ever thought about why is it important to support community? I imagine at some point in your life you’ve been a volunteer and had that experience of giving back to your community. It felt GREAT, right?! Whether it is contributing several hours of your time for an event, or contributing a donation, doing something for someone else is very rewarding. Making a difference in the lives of others is an essential part to having a fulfilling, satisfying life. When you support and invest in your community, it gives you the chance to connect with others, it strengthens your community and the people in it, you gain worthwhile experience and hey… it’s good for you, your mental health and boosts your self-esteem.

I am fortunate to be part of the EXIT Realty, Corp program called “The Spirit of EXIT”. A portion of my real estate earnings are directly benefiting my local community. A portion of each transaction fee collected at each real estate closing is applied to EXIT Realty’s charitable fund. I have the choice of designating which charity I would like my contribution to go to. This program makes it possible for any EXIT Realty agent to raise funds for local, approved, registered charities and submit a proposal for those funds to be matched from the pledged pool of funds. As of the end of 2021, EXIT Realty’s “Spirit of EXIT” program has pledged more then $6.8 million to charity.

I am proud to be a part of EXIT Realty’s “Spirit of EXIT” that supports my local community! How are you choosing to support your community?

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