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Alyssa Osier

Image of a commercial building. what does triple net mean in a commercial lease?

What is a Triple Net Lease in Commercial Real Estate?

What is a Triple Net Lease in Commercial Real Estate? As you’re getting to the final steps of settling on a commercial property, you may face a lengthy, confusing lease. Before signing any documents, it’s important to know what the common leases in commercial real estate are, what they entail, and what that means for you as a tenant. One type of lease that is… Lire la suite »What is a Triple Net Lease in Commercial Real Estate?

Understanding Closing Costs in Colorado Real Estate Transactions

Understanding Closing Costs in Colorado Real Estate Transactions The closing phase of a Colorado real estate transaction can often feel like a whirlwind of paperwork, terms, and expenses. One of the essential components of this process is understanding closing costs. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down what closing costs are, how they work, whether you can negotiate them, and provide answers to common questions… Lire la suite »Understanding Closing Costs in Colorado Real Estate Transactions

Open House Tips: How to Have an Effective Open House

Open House Tips: How to Have an Effective Open House When it comes to showcasing a property, the open house event is a pivotal moment. It’s the time when potential buyers, neighbors, and curious onlookers step through the front door, getting a firsthand look at what could be their future home. I understand the importance of making a great impression during an open house. In… Lire la suite »Open House Tips: How to Have an Effective Open House

home in the winter

Twelve Winter Home Selling Tips

12 Winter Home Selling Tips Selling your home during the winter months can be a challenging endeavor,leading to the common debate of is it “better to sell a house in winter or spring.” However, it’s important to note that selling a home in winter is not an impossible task. While many homeowners may prefer to wait until spring to list their properties, there are distinct… Lire la suite »Twelve Winter Home Selling Tips

clés dans la porte d'une maison qui a été vendue rapidement

10 conseils pour vous aider à vendre votre maison rapidement

Vous souhaitez vendre votre maison rapidement ? Vendre votre maison peut être une expérience passionnante mais aussi stressante. Que vous cherchiez à agrandir, à réduire la taille de votre logement ou à déménager, la plupart des propriétaires ont en commun le désir de vendre leur maison rapidement et au meilleur prix possible. Dans cet article, nous partagerons sept conseils efficaces pour vous aider à vendre… Lire la suite »10 conseils pour vous aider à vendre votre maison rapidement